

Plazi initiated in Wikidata accesss to treatments and data included therein, and through this provides access to all the treatments hold in TreatmentBank.


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Zenodo and Plazi collaborate in developin the Biodiversity Literature Repository as an open access repository to articles related to biodiversity.


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Plazi is a non-country participant of GBIF. Plazi provides observation records discovered and extracted from the scientific literature, especially from treatments. The assignment of persistent identifiers to treatments allows to cite the source of the observation record's taxon.


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Plazi provides a traget for NCBI taxonomic linkout. Access to the published data inferred to by the use of an organism name is unique.


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Zoobank and Plazi cooperate in linking nomenclatorial acts, especially new taxonomic names, with its treatments, and the usage of the same UUIDs for the same concept.


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NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Tags Suite


Together with the Journal Archiving and Interchange Tagsuit team, Plazi and Pensoft developed and maintain TaxPub, a biodiversity domain specific flavor of JATS, now used in taxonomic publications. Besides semantically enhancing the articles, this allows at the same time to import the articles into PubMed Central and extract content directly into TreatmentBank.


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Plazi is a taxonomic treatment data provider for the Open Research Data Platform, Switzerland. 


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Pensoft and Plazi have a longstanding collaboration in contributing to the next generation, open access, semantically enhanced scientific communication and infrastructure. 


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